Medical & Scientific

Advisory Board

BEPS Holding GmbH cuenta con el asesoramiento de profesionales de la salud, ampliamente reconocidos por su trayectoria y especialidad.

Honory Member

Dr. Seth Baum, MD

Past-President of American Society of Preventive Cardiology, Medical Director Women´s Preventive Cardiology, Clinical Affiliate Professor of Integrated Medical Sciences Florida Atlantic University, American Heart Association´s Council for Epidemiology and Prevention).

Dr. Jose Castellanos, MD

Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Board Cerified Internal Medicine, Affiliate Assistant Professor, FAU Charles E. Schmidt (since 2011).

Medical Director

Dr. Andrea Belluzzi, MD

Specializations in: internal medicine hygiene epidemiology and public health gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy, department of medical and surgical sciences, st. Orsola-malpighi hospital, university of bologna, 40138 bologna, Italy.